We're excited to join together with some other print shops across the nation in a collaboration to offer good quality, in stock face masks.
You may have heard that many shirt manufactures are now making face masks. This makes sense because right now with events being cancelled, schools closed, and many businesses not open or partially open, people do not need shirts but need face masks.
With shirt sales down, so are printed shirt sales. We've been your go to for stylish, soft, comfy shirts and now we can help you with stylish, soft, comfy face masks.
Everything is super simple. There are two colors and they ship immediately in packs of 3. Your purchase helps pay our bills. We aren't getting rich from these, we just want to be around for you when this is over. With face masks becoming mandatory in many places and a real need for the foreseeable future we would love to be your go to to get great quality face masks.
Thank you for all of your support of small businesses through these uncertain times. Us small business owners feel your love and are grateful for you and hope you are staying safe!
Order your masks here - Just Masks Store